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Social Studies Learning Activity Types1,2

Of the forty-four social studies learning activity types that have been identified to date, seventeen are focused upon helping students build their knowledge of social studies content, concepts, and processes.  Twenty-seven provide students with opportunities to express their understanding in a variety of ways.  Six of these knowledge expression activity types emphasize convergent learning and twenty-one of these activity types offer students opportunities to express their understanding in divergent ways.  The three sets of activity types (knowledge building, convergent knowledge expression, and divergent knowledge expression) are presented in the tables that follow, including compatible technologies that may be used to support each type of learning activity. Specific software titles and Web sites listed in the Possible Technologies column are meant to be illustrative, and are not necessarily endorsed by the taxonomy authors.

Knowledge Building Activity Types

As the table of activity types below shows, teachers have a variety of options available to assist students in building social studies content and process knowledge.

Table 1: Knowledge Building Activity Types

Activity Type

Brief Description

Possible Technologies

Read Text

Students extract information from textbooks, historical documents, census data, etc.; both print-based and digital formats

Digital archive, Web site, electronic book, audiobook


Read Maps, Charts and Tables

Students extract and/or synthesize information from maps, charts and/or tables

Textbook supplement, Web-based datasets (e.g., CIA World Factbook)

View Presentation

Students gain information from teachers, guest speakers, and peers; synchronous/asynchronous, oral or multimedia

Presentation software, videoconferencing, video creation software (e.g. Movie Maker, iMovie), concept mapping software

View Images

Students examine both still and moving (video, animations) images; print-based or digital format

Presentation software, word processor, video creation software (e.g. Movie Maker, iMovie), image sharing sites (e.g. Flickr.com)

Listen to Audio

Students listen to audiorecordings of speeches, music, radio broadcasts, oral histories, and lectures; digital or non-digital

Digital audio archive, podcast (e.g., “Great Speeches in History,” etc.), audiobook

Take Notes

Students record information from lecture, presentation, and/or group work

Word processor, wiki, concept mapping software


In small to large groups, students engage in dialogue with their peers; synchronous/asynchronous, structured or unstructured

Discussion forum, discussion in a wiki and a blog


Students discuss opposing viewpoints; formal/informal; structured/unstructured; synchronous/asynchronous

Discussion forum, discussion or commenting in a blog and a wiki

Experience a Field Trip

Students travel to physical or virtual sites; synchronous/asynchronous

Virtual fieldtrip, presentation, video creation software and/or Google Earth to develop their own virtual tours

Sequence Information

Students sequence information, data and/or documents in chronological order

Timeline creation software, video creation software (e.g. Movie Maker, iMovie)

Consider Evidence

Students explore a variety of types of evidence (e.g., historical documents, photographs, data) related to a topic or question

Digital archives, extant data sets (e.g., U.S. Census data), Historical Scene Investigation (HSI)


Students interrogate information to understand multiple characteristics, evidence, and/or perspectives on a topic

Concept mapping software, word processor, spreadsheet, digital archive

Engage in a Simulation

Students engage in paper-based or digital experiences focused on a content topic which mirror the complexity of the real world

Content-specific simulation (e.g. Fantasy Congress, Stock Market Game)

Conduct an Interview

Face to face, via audio/videoconference, or via email students question someone on a chosen topic; may be digitally recorded and shared

Video creation software (e.g. Movie Maker, iMovie), audiorecorder, digital camera


Used in:

Tracking Armadillo's Journey (3rd grade)

Students gather, analyze, and synthesize information using print-based and/or digital sources

Digital archive, word processor, concept mapping software to structure

Engage in Artifact-Based Inquiry

Students explore a topic using physical or virtual artifacts, including data, text, images, etc.

Digital archive

Engage in Data-Based Inquiry

Using student-generated data or print-based and digital data available online, students pursue original lines of inquiry

Digital archive, extant data sets (e.g., C.I.A. World Factbook, U.S. Census data, Thomas), student-collected data, spreadsheet


Knowledge Expression Activity Types

Teachers are able to determine what students have learned by reviewing their “performances of understanding” (Wiske, 1998) -- students’ expressions of knowledge related to the learning goals targeted.  Opportunities for students to express their knowledge can be incorporated during a unit of study (as part of formative assessment) or at the conclusion of a unit (as a summative assessment).  At times, social studies teachers deem it appropriate for all students to come to a similar understanding of a course topic.  This kind of understanding is expressed by engaging in convergent knowledge expression activites, as detailed in the table below.

Table 2: Convergent Knowledge Expression Activity Types

Activity Type

Brief Description

Possible Technologies

Answer Questions

Students respond to questions using traditional question sets or worksheets, or through the use of an electronic discussion board, email or chat

Word processor, concept mapping software, discussion forum, student response system (SRS)

Create a Timeline

Students sequence events on a printed or electronic timeline or through a Web page or multimedia presentation

Timeline creation software, presentation software, concept mapping software, word processor

Create a Map

Students label existing maps or produce their own; print-based materials or digitally

Scanner, outline map available online, Google Earth, presentation software

Complete Charts/Tables

Students fill in teacher-created charts and tables or create their own in traditional ways or using digital tools

Word processor, concept mapping software

Complete a Review Activity

Students engage in some form of question and answer to review content; paper-based to game-show format using multimedia presentation tools

Student response system (SRS), interactive whiteboard review games (e.g., Jeopardy), survey tool

Take a Quiz/Test

Students demonstrate their knowledge through paper-based, traditional format to computer-generated and scored assessments

Online quiz

While in many cases teachers may want their students to express similar understandings of course content, at other times they will want to encourage students to develop and express their own understandings of a given topic. The following 21 divergent knowledge expression activity types afford students opportunities to each share their unique understanding of a topic or concept. They are subdivided into learning activities that are written, visual, conceptual, product-oriented, and participatory.

Table 3: Written Divergent Knowledge Expression Activity Types

Activity Type

Brief Description

Possible Technologies

Write an Essay

Students compose a structured written response to a prompt; paper and pencil or word processed; text-based or multimedia

Word, concept mapping software, wiki (to track contributions from multiple authors)

Write a Report

Students author a report on a topic in traditional or more creative format using text or multimedia elements

Word processor, presentation software, Web authoring software, wiki

Generate a Narrative

Using primary documents and secondary source information, students develop their own story of the past

Word processor, wiki or collaborative word processor (to track contributions from multiple authors), blog

Craft a Poem

Students create poetry; paper and pencil or word processed, text-based or multimedia

Video creation software (e.g., Movie Maker, iMovie), presentation software

Create a Diary

Students write from a first-hand perspective about en event from the past; paper and pencil or digital format

Blog, word processor


Table 4: Visual Divergent Knowledge Expression Activity Types

Activity Type

Brief Description

Possible Technologies

Create an Illustrated Map

Used in:

Tracking Armadillo's Journey (3rd grade)

Students use pictures, symbols, and/or graphics to highlight key features to creating an illustrated map

Outline maps available online, Google Earth, presentation software, scanner

Create a Picture/Mural

Students create a physical or virtual image or mural

Drawing software, scanner

Draw a Cartoon

Students create a drawing or caricature using a paper and pencil or digital format

Comic creation software, drawing software, scanner


Table 5: Conceptual Divergent Knowledge Expression Activity Types

Activity Type

Brief Description

Possible Technologies

Develop a Knowledge Web

Using teacher or student created webs, students organize information in a visual/spatial manner; written or digital format

Concept mapping software, presentation software, word processor

Generate Questions

Students develop questions related to course material/concepts

Word processor, wiki

Develop a Metaphor

Students devise a metaphorical representation of a course topic/idea

Word processor, concept mapping software, drawing software


Table 6: Product-Oriented Divergent Knowledge Expression Activity Types

Activity Type

Brief Description

Possible Technologies

Produce an Artifact

Students create a 3-D or virtual artifact

Imaging tool, drawing software

Build a Model

Students develop a written or digital mental model of a course concept/process

Concept mapping software, presentation software, spreadsheet

Design an Exhibit

Students synthesize key elements of a topic in a physical or virtual exhibit

Wiki, presentation software, video creation software (e.g., Movie Maker, iMovie)

Create a Newspaper/News Magazine

Students synthesize course information in the form of a periodical; print-based or electronic

Word processor, wiki, Web authoring software

Create a Game

Students develop a game, in paper or digital form, to help other students learn content

Puzzlemaker, interactive presentation software, imaging tool, Web authoring software

Create a Film

Using some combination of still images, motion video, music and narration students produce their own movies

Video creation software (e.g., Movie Maker, iMovie), digital video camera


Table 7: Participatory Divergent Knowledge Expression Activity Types

Activity Type

Brief Description

Possible Technologies


Used in:

Tracking Armadillo's Journey (3rd grade)

Students share their understanding with others; oral or multimedia approach, synchronous or asynchronous

Presentation software, video creation software (e.g., Movie Maker, iMovie), digital video camera


Students take on a character, role, or persona to experience or experiment with a concept or event, live, video-taped, or recorded

Video creation software (Movie Maker, iMovie), digital video camera


Students develop a live or recorded performance (oral, music, drama, etc.)

Video creation software (e.g., Movie Maker, iMovie), digital video camera

Engage in Civic Action

Students write government representatives or engage in some other form of civic action

Blog, email, videoconferencing, ThinkQuest

Hofer, M., & Harris, J.(2011, February). Social studies learning activity types. Retrieved from College of William and Mary, School of Education, Learning Activity Types: http://activitytypes.wm.edu/Science.html

   “Social Studies Learning Activity Types” by Mark Hofer and Judi Harris is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
. Based on a work at http://activitytypes.wm.edu.